Arne’s Unconventional First Week at 2wcom

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🚴‍♂️ Ding ding! 🚴‍♀️ Have you ever seen the 2wcom team arrive at the Rai in Amsterdam? Yes, you read it right – we arrive on bikes! Every morning, around 12 spirited 2wcom employees swing onto their saddles and make their way to the Rai convention center. Amidst the buzz of this quirky tradition, we’re gearing up for our annual rendezvous at IBC 2023. As we put the final touches on presentations and fine-tune our booth, there’s a special tale that deserves the spotlight – the remarkable journey of Arne, our DAB audio virtuoso, whose story with 2wcom began just a year ago.

But wait – if you caught our previous story about Mark, our marketing manager, and his debut at IBC 2022, you’re in for a treat! Arne’s first week working at 2wcom was during IBC 2022! Having attended IBC with other companies, he found the 2wcom experience unique. Our blend of professionalism, personal touch, and good-natured humor formed genuine connections beyond the convention’s buzz.

Arne rowing to IBC 2023
Arne rowing to IBC 2023

Arne is more than a product manager; his enthusiasm for rowing symbolizes his approach to navigating the waves of innovation. With an active membership in a local rowing club, the rhythm of the water mirrors the dedication and commitment he brings to his work. This passion for rowing also reflects his adaptability, a quality that seamlessly aligns with his role at 2wcom, even as he efficiently manages his responsibilities remotely from Erlangen.

But let’s shift gears to the ride that links our Amsterdam adventure. Envision the crisp morning air, the sun’s gentle kiss on water’s surface, and the rhythmic chime of pedals along the scenic Amstel route. Our daily bicycle journey to the RAI exhibition center isn’t just a commute – it’s a ritual that unites our team. Each employee, including Arne, hops on a “holland” bike provided by the hotel, embarking on a journey past windmills and iconic Amsterdam facades.

Arne’s first week at 2wcom during IBC 2022 was a whirlwind of connections and insights. Having attended IBC with other companies, he found the 2wcom experience unique. Our blend of professionalism, personal touch, and good-natured humor formed genuine connections beyond the convention’s buzz.

Fast-forward to the present – a year of growth, innovation, and camaraderie. Arne’s integration into our team wasn’t just about adapting; it was about thriving. Collaborating on product strategies and engaging in after-hours banter, Arne has become a pivotal part of our 2wcom family. His journey reflects the essence of what makes us special – a unique blend of professionalism, personal connections, and humor.

Meet Arne at IBC 2023

As we gear up for IBC 2023, we invite you to step into our world and meet Arne at our booth (Hall 8, Booth D81). Whether you’re curious about our products, eager to hear about Arne’s journey, or just want to swap rowing tales, our booth is your hub for all things 2wcom. Join us on a unique IBC adventure, as Arne and the team await your visit – because connecting with you isn’t just business; it’s a journey of shared experiences, one pedal stroke at a time. And who knows, we might even exchange stories of riding “holland” bikes through Amsterdam’s dry canals, navigating wild yet fun bike rides, and savoring camaraderie over a well-deserved beer under the starlit Amsterdam sky. 🚴‍♂️🌊🍻

Find us at IBC 2023

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