2wcom’s innovative virtualized audio over IP codec called “MoIN” is now powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and can be shared with customers that register for early-access beginning today.
The MoIN will be publicly available on AWS Marketplace at the beginning of the second quarter of 2023. It will come with on-demand hourly billing which enables use-cases that demand maximum flexibility.
In contrast to the many video transcoding solutions already available on AWS, the solution from 2wcom provides an audio specific feature set that most video transcoding solutions cannot provide. Whether it is Icecast, HLS streaming or DVB Multiplexing and transcoding the MoIN is the right solution and fits very well into your broadcasting environment – may it be audio contribution, distribution, or web radio.
The same “try & buy” possibilities that apply to on-premise installations also apply to the AWS marketplace as the MoIN will be eligible for the AWS Free Tier.
If you have any questions, contact us via contact@2wcom.com